Speed up your WordPress website using a plug-in
Speed up WordPress website using a plug-in
How you can speed up your WordPress website using a plug-in WP super cache. we go to the backend a go to plugins add new and search for WP super cache. more than a million active installs. so it's a popular plug-in. click on Install Now and I activate it right now.the first thing we want to do we want to turn it on and what does the plug-in do. it turns a lot of PHP files into HTML files so the website will load quicker.
click on update status and go to advanced and over here click compress pages so they serve more quickly to visitors.
Click don't cache for no users. so if you log in it won't apply. so if you change something in the website you can see the result immediately and you scroll down.
Click extra homepage check (very occasionally stops home page caching)
Then click update status.
Then go to CDN and Enable CND Support.
It mean if you enable this that means that a lot of files of your website are stored on a server in a couple of countries at the same time. so if somebody from America faces your website they don't need to go to the server of Europe. Because when you enable this your files will also be stored in America in India in Europe in Australia everywhere. So if you check this there will be kind of a backup of your website on different places not all the files that it will load faster.
Click save changes.
Then go to preload. Enable preload mode. Click preload tags then check update settings.
That's how you can make your website faster that was really easy to do and it helps your website to be found better in Google. Because the faster your website is the less bounces you get and the better you'll be found in Google.
If you need any kind of support of your WordPress website contact me by mail : moni200870@yahoo.com
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